MSP’s 5th Annual Holiday Gift Drive

 The holidays are quickly approaching and we are planning our biggest ever holiday gift donation drive here at Main Street Project.

Please help us this holiday season as we aim to gather donated items to put together over 500 gift packages so that each of our community members has their own gift to open the morning of December 25th.

We will be collecting donated items until Friday, December 17th and hope to have all items in office by that date. It would be most helpful to us to have items dropped off to us here at the MSP admin office, 661 Main Street, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Please note that all clothing donations must still go to 75 Martha Street.

You can also buy items from our Amazon Wish List and your donation will be mailed directly to us. Please visit our wish list to see what items we’d like to include in our gift bags.

Please note: to accommodate those who may not be able to drop off, we will do one day of pickups during the daytime on Friday, December 17th. Please contact us if you’d like us to pick up.

If you would like more information on how you can help this initiative, please contact us at and we will get back to you ASAP.

How you can help:

Do a donation drive at your workplace or school

Be a local donation drop off point in Winnipeg – email to sign up

Please consider supporting any number of local businesses who may have the items on our wish list available at their shops

Purchase items from our Amazon wish list

Make a financial donation to be used towards our donation drive

Winnipeg Drop Off Locations:

Business Addresses
Parlour Coffee, 468 Main Street
Marshall Fabrics, 575 Berry Street
Tokyo Smoke, 264 McDermot Street
Oh Doughnuts, 3-1194 Taylor Ave 
Points West Technologies, 60 De Baets Street.

Residential Addresses 
139 Scamnel Road
86 North Meadow Drive

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