Dear Friend of Main Street Project,

People experiencing homelessness in Winnipeg need your help.
The uncertainty, anxiety and risks surrounding COVID-19 are much more amplified for people experiencing homelessness than they are for almost all other segments of our society. How can people with no homes safely distance themselves from others? How can they self-isolate if they experience symptoms? How can they perform such basic functions as frequent hand washing?
For the first six months of COVID-19, through the generosity and support of funders and donors, Main Street Project was able to provide greatly expanded shelter and isolation facilities to people in need. Up to 200 people per night were accommodated in spaces designed to promote physical distancing in a welcoming environment. However, the onset of autumn and winter and the looming threat of the cold and flu season will bring even greater risks to people who are most vulnerable.
Can you help us? Donations are urgently needed to retain and expand existing facilities, to provide food, warm clothing, a day-time warming centre, emergency transportation and access to medical services when required.
Every donation is greatly appreciated and no donation too small. Thank you so much for your support.
Vince Warden
Board Chair, Main Street Project

How to donate:
Donate online 
Donate with credit card over the phone by calling 204-982-8257
Mail your cheque to:
661 Main Street, Winnipeg MB R3B 1E3

Thank you! 


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