What is your name and position at Main Street Project?
My name is Kelly and I have worked at Main Street Project since 2014. I have always been a support worker in all departments throughout Main Street Project.
How have things changed in your role since COVID-19?
I have learned to expect the unexpected, more so now than ever. I have learned to be open and accepting of change, and to go where I am needed to ensure our community is getting the right amount of support they need, especially during this time. We have recently transitioned from three separate shelters, in three different locations, to one big one. It has been amazing to have everyone back under one roof, and having more space as an added bonus. We are all back together as one to make this time feel as “normal” as we possibly can to work through these difficult times together
What is something you wish people understood about Main Street Project and the community that we serve?
Main Street Project is a positive environment that welcomes everyone. Our doors are always open.
What is your favourite thing about working at Main Street Project?
We are one big family at Main Street Project which makes going to work feel like a second home. No matter what the situation we are faced with, we are always there to support one another, including the people who call Main Street Project their home. We all have different backgrounds and views but we are able to come together during times of need. The bond we all share is truly powerful and irreplaceable.