We have a great many people to thank for coming together to make the Thanksgiving long weekend Community Feasts happen over here at Main Street Project!
Thanks to Bonnie and the wonderful team at Gifts of Grace Ministries, Inc who very generously donated pork roasts.
Thanks to Vanessa Rocan and the wonderful people she works with who gathered much needed clothing and toiletries for our community members.
Thanks to Lisa for generously donating a turkey and coffee supplies.
Thanks to Jennifer who donated some pastries.
Thanks to Aurora Recovery Centre for donating and serving bagged lunches in shelter on Saturday.
Thanks to Aviva and her wonderful friends for coming together and raising enough money to feed over 100 meals of turkey, gravy, stuffing, potatoes and pies, and for the generous donation of clothing, shoes and toiletries.
Thanks to Marlene Reimer and Imaginability for donating pumpkin pies!
Thanks to Winnipeg Wolfpack who volunteered their time serving over 300 people in shelter on Monday.
We could not have done this without this incredible support, so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!