Due to COVID-19, there have been many changes to Main Street Project’s Emergency Shelter services over the past month.
As of May 2, Main Street Project has moved all of its emergency and drop in shelter services from 75 Martha Street to 190 Disraeli Freeway. This new facility is located right beside the Disraeli Freeway, across from the Manitoba Metis Federation and behind Main Street Project’s current 75 Martha Street property.
We are offering expanded drop-in hours, as well as safe sleeping space during the day time from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We have tables and chairs and sleeping cots safely spaced to meet social distancing requirements.
Overnight sleep services are offered starting at 5:00 p.m. with a wake up time of 8:00 a.m. We are offering male identified sleep on the first floor and female identified sleeping space on the second floor. We have capacity for 75 male identified cots (and mats if needed) and 45 cots for women (and additional mats if needed).
Harm reduction and safer sex supplies, mail and other services typically provided at 75 Martha Street have now been moved to 190 Disraeli Freeway.
Food service is offered at 9:30 a.m. for porridge and coffee (open to community), 1:00 p.m. for lunch/soup provision (open to community) and full dinner meal for anyone staying for sleep.
Bathrooms and showers are available on both floors and can be accessed at anytime during sleep services. Each floor is also equipped with a large accessible bathroom and shower. Access to staff supports, hygiene products and casework are also available throughout the day. We do have portable toilets outside of 75 Martha Street for community access.
It’s been a wild month and a half of working to meet the needs of our community during this pandemic. Thank you for your ongoing support of Main Street Project as we navigate these changes. And HUGE heartfelt thanks to our amazing staff who’ve been amazing to work with through all of these changes. We appreciate all of you so much.
Special thank you to Dennis Levy and family, who are providing the use of this building to Main Street Project by donation. Thank you!
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to learn more by emailing admin@mainstreetproject.ca