Main Street Project operates a van patrol program through the nights during extreme weather. The operation of the van is currently funded through a federally-funded grant facilitated through the City of Winnipeg’s Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS). Earlier this year, MSP purchased a new wheelchair accessible van for its van patrol program, also made possible through HPS funding. The van patrol program travels through the downtown and North End areas, seeking out community members who may be at risk in extreme weather. Voluntary transport to MSP’s emergency shelter is offered to community members, but often times those folks prefer to stay where they are. In this case, MSP will offer warm clothing, fleece blankets, a warm cup of coffee and harm reduction supplies. They will also follow up with wellness checks throughout the night.
In addition to operating a Van Patrol program, the MSP van is used to work in partnership with WFPS. If 911 is called and the situation is determined not to be an emergency requiring use of emergency services such as police, fire, or paramedics, MSP’s van will be dispatched to work with the individual requiring assistance. If the person is not open to voluntary transport, MSP will offer essential items such as food, clothing or coffee.
Please see the following media release regarding our new wheelchair accessible van for our Van Patrol program:
Thank you to Homelessness Partnering Strategy for funding the purchase of the van. Thank you to Move Mobility for building the van, and thank you to Lea Marc Inc. for decaling the van with easy to read signage.