What is your name and position at Main Street Project?
My name is Naomi and I am a Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN). I assist with case management, substance withdrawal management and harm reduction with the MSP community.
How have things changed in your role since COVID-19?
Many things have changed since starting this position and I have shifted along with the diverse needs of our Community. In addition, I had to adapt my own self-care strategies in order to roll with our new reality. Not easy!
I moved with the needs of our community. I originally was at The Bell Hotel helping Residents access/advocate in regards to care and support. Towards the end of March, MSP moved my skill-set to our isolation site – a safe, supportive environment where folks self-isolate and self-monitor after being tested for COVID-19.
What is something you wish people understood about Main Street Project and the community that we serve?
Our Community is a part of the greater Winnipeg community and we are all connected. We are all impacted by the Novel Coronavirus pandemic. Social distancing and hygiene practices are more challenging for folks in congregate living spaces, especially the shelters. Great efforts have been taken to help our community achieve these life-saving practices.
What is your favourite thing about working at Main Street Project?
The Community! The interwoven value of self-determination and autonomy. Everyone has something to contribute. This is a very precious resource and is cherished.
What is something nice that’s happened to you at work recently?
Our Leadership excels in securing materials required to do the task at hand! MSP Leadership has been making personal protective equipment (PPE) readily available to staff in order to provide effective care and support! That means quite a lot in the world of Healthcare and does not go unnoticed!